Week10Task—3-D Printing the Future

London trip study: Science museum 


D138579This exhibit show  how innovators use 3D printers to turn computer data into physical objects that could change your life. The exhibition display includes an explosion of over 600 printed objects, revealing how 3D printers inspire creativity and ground-breaking design.

The stories we’ve uncovered focus on the future of industry, medicine and whether 3D printing will change your shopping experience. For example:

  • lighter, more efficient plane parts that could save fuel on your flights
  • replacement body parts – from those already used today, to the possible 3D printed organs of the future
  • an open-source mechanical hand that carpenter Richard Van As made on a consumer machine to replace his missing fingers.

We can also see how 3D printing can inspire artists in Inversive Embodiment, an intricate sculptural work by Tobias Klein that incorporates MRI scans and St Paul’s Cathedral.

There is a video show made the process of 3-D Printing:









Whole display show the wave shape and every object is supported by various lengths of sticks. It is a good way to communicate with audience with visual flow that follow people’s process of visual transmission and psychological and mental perception.


Identity and basic pattern:

IMG_7709 IMG_7712IMG_7701













All typeface are 3D with special grid. The identity show the theme all the time. The letters were produced in a number of colours, using a post-process dye.



Science Museum Explores The Future Of 3D printing D138571






Different length of sticks are to form special shadow in the light.













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